T-Shirt Igor Baskin. Installation. 
     Main exhibition hall "Manege"    St-Petersburg. 1996.


      St-Petersburg, Russia 
      e-mail: igorbaskin@mail.ru
      web:    http://igorbaskin.com

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artist, curator 
Edu: Art faculty of Khabarovsk's pedagogical university. 
Member of National Union of artists. 
Member of The International Council of Visual Artists. 
Member of The Free Culture Foundation 

Painting, photography, video, conceptual projects, interactive actions, performance

Autor of "Conception Personification", and "Program of personification" 
Founder of "St.Petersburg's Trans-Conceptualism".

       Selected projects, work in progress:

- "Documents". Since 1988. 
- "Program of Personification" - the end of postmodern". Since 1996. 
- "Displacement of cultural identities". Since 1996. 
- "Kiste-net, international cultural space". With Max Goeshle, Austria, and Rod Jacka, Australia. Since 1997. 
- "Media ready made". Since 1997. 
- "Maria Parfenovna Bushueva - artcritic". Since 1997 
- "Remember the Shadows". Since 1998. 
- "Body, space, name". Since 1999. 
- "Monument for all names". Since 1999. 
- "Diary of Igor Baskin". Internet project. Since 2000. 
- "Parallel lives". Time based. Since 25.12.2000. 
- 'The Non Intellectual Art'. Since summer 2005. 

         Selected exhibitions, projects, and actions.

Selected exhibitions.

- 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 "Art of St-Petersburg". Main St-Petersburg's exhibition hall "Maniege"
- 1997, 1999 International biennale "Dialogs". "Maniege". 
- 1996, 1998, 2000 "International festival of experiment and performance". "Maniege".
- 1995, 2000. "From avant-garde to our days". St-Petersburg. 
- 1996, 1996, 1997, 1997, 1999. Exhibitions. Exhibition's hall of National Union of artists. St-Petersburg. 

- "Avant-garde arts". Fetival in Cultural center "Ilitcha". St-Petersburg. 1988. 
- "Cut casualty list". Personal exhibition. Art center Pushkinskaya 10. St-Petersburg. 1996. 
- "Spratia Nova". International St-petersburg's biennale. 1996. 
- "First international public art and Muralism congress". Mexico sity. Mexico. 1997. 
- "Kuk art". International festival of contemporary art . Pushkin town. 1997. 
- "Figurative poetry". Museum of Dostoevski. St-Petersburg. 1998. 
- "Solntsevorot" International festival of contemporary arts. Theater "Baltic house". 1999. 
- "Body, Space, Name / St-Petersburg".  With Jorg Mollet, Switzerland. Art center "Pushkinskaya 10". St-Petersburg. 1999. 
- "Non official capital". St-Petersburg-Moskow contemporary art festival. 2000. 
- "Community". Art center Pushkinskaya 10. St-Petersburg. 2000. 
- "Dar". Festival of contemporary art. Yaroslavl's state art museum. Yaroslavl town. 2000. 
- 'Documents 2000/2'. Main Exhibition's Hall "Maniege". St-Petersburg. 2000
- "Emplacements" UK-Russian common project. New Holland place. St-Petersburg. 2000. 
- "Art-Forum-Berlin". Berlin. Germany. 2000. 
- "Agitacia for art". National center of contemporary art Ekaterinburg's branch. 2000. 
- "St-Petersburg's photo-marathon". Art center Pushkinskaya 10, and online. St-petersburg, 2000. 
- "No sex". National center of contemporary art - Novosibirsk's branch. 2001. 
- "Simply food". Video for the project "60 second's film". NCCA- Novosibirsk's branch. 2001 
- "Leave the name". Work for the project "Wishes for dead". NCCA - Novosibirsk's branch. 2001 
- "Parallel lives". With Luci Marcuzzo, Australia. Mildura palimpsest#4. Mildura Art center, Australia. 2001 
- ArtGENDA2002 Hamburg, Hamburg, 2002
- 'Emplacements', Russian-English site-specific project, St-Petersburg, 2002 
- 'Short and Sharp', London, UK, 2003. (eho)
- 'E-Moe', St-Petersburg, 2003. 
- 'Punkt'. Residency 2003 in NIFCA (Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art)
- PUTKI Festival, Fiskars, Finland. 2003.
- Twelw 4 Festival, Tampre, Finland. 2003.
- La-bas, helsinki, Finland. 2003.
- 'Remember the shadows' for the 'The Long Stories of Ekaterinburg'. NCCA Ekaterinburg's branch. 2004. 
- 'Remember the Name', SoundLab Channel 2. 2005. (direct link to the work)
- 'Art Contact'. Forum Box gallery. Helsinki, Finland. 2005.
- 'Silence' 1, 2. '2e Appel' project, Belgium. 
- 'Remember the Shadows' for 'Microtel' project, within Rotterdam Film Festival. Rotterdam, Holland. 2006.
- 'Beauty & Power' (video), Intervenciones TV, Spain, 2006. 
- 'The One Second of Sky' (video),  Luksuz Festival, Trska Gora,  Slovenia, 2006.
-'The Teletext' (video), PAM installation, New York Art Fair, USA. / Festival of Nations, Ebesee, Austria. / 
Rencontres internationales Paris/Berlinl Festival,  Theatre Paris-Villette, Paris, France. 
- 'Scream Art'' (video), Pixeldance Film Fesrtival, Thessalonica, Greece. / NEXT_OUT Video Art Film Festival, Thessalonica, Greece. / D-NEFF Media/Experimental Art Festival, Vitoria, Spain. 2006. /  Luksuz Festival, 
Trska Gora,  Slovenia, 2006.
- 'Step over or Tread on', Shifter Magazine 8, 'Rules and Presentations'. New York, 2006
- 'Museum of Contextual Amputations',  Shifter Magazine, New York, 2006

  Selected public actions and performances:

- "Sale the name of the artist on the street" (old site link) - With Gorge Dublin, Jorg Mollet, Judith Echert - Switzerland, Gill Waber - UK, Inna Baskina, Alexander Ilianen - Russia. St-Petersburg. 1996. 
- "Global Personification". Personification of the house of "Maniege", personification all visitors of festival's exhibition. "Manege". St-Petersburg. 1996. 
- "Who is to blame and what to do, typical Russian question" (old site). St-Petersburg. 1996. some reflection
- "Identity objectivation". "Manege". St-Petersburg. 1997. some reflection
- "Fight with myself". "Manege". St-Petersburg. 1997. 
- "To step on or to tread over". "Manege". St-Petersburg. 1998. 
- "Service for mass media ". "Manege". 1999. 
- "Moscow-ilevich - the main Russian artist". With Enver, and V. Eremenko. "Manege". St-Petersburg. 1999. 
- "Bu Bu Bu" ("All I know about the world"). Art center "Pushkinskaya 10. St-Petersburg. 2000 remake 2003
- "Ras-Putin, Dva-Putin". Streets, to public toilet on Nevski prospect, 20. St-Petersburg. 2000. 
- "Act of dispersonification", fulfilment of Henry Grahn, Finland, and Walter Kokot, Sweden. Berlin, 2000. 
- "Eating of chicken legs". Art center Pushkinskaya 10. St-Petersburg. 2000. 
- 'Ready to capture' Hamburg, Germany, 2002. 
- 'The Wall 2002' Manege, St-Petersburg, 2002. 
- Action in the Museum Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland. 2003. 
- Personification of The Nordic institute for Contemporary art, Helsinki, and Museum's Center Vapriikki, Tampere. Finland. 2003.
- Action of 'Scream Art' in framework of 'The Non Intellectual Art' project. St-Petersburg. 2005. 


- "Blinds, effort of getting over". EXPO2000 Hannover, Germany. Internationan pavilion "A Man". 2000. 
Shared second prize for theme "Civil courage". 
- 'PUNKT'. Residency in The NIFCA (Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art). 2003. 
Studio on Suomenlinna, Helsinki.
- 'ROHTO' project. Grant from The Nordic Council of Ministers. 2003


- 1999, 1999, 2000. "Making a shadows". "Manege", Theater "Baltic house", "Manege". 
- Painting workshop for art puplers. "Maniege". St-Petersburg. 2000. 

   Lectures and "paper's" publications:

- "Viewes of after postmodernism". Lecture. Art cience conference. "Manege". 1997. St-Petersburg. 
- "Senior Caliostro and conceptual trancegression". Lecture. Art science conference. "Manege". 1998. St-Petersburg 
- "Changed face of the exhibition". Article. Catalog "Art of St-Petersburg - 98". "Manege". 1999. 
- "Sex characteristics and sex functions of cities. From cell to new after-organic organismus. Native evolution of city". Lecture. Art science conference. Pushkinskaya 10. St-Petersburg. 1999. 
- "Crisis of deformity". Media installation, "ready text". Art magazine "Maximka", 1998. 
- "Kiste-net, international cultiral space". Article. Art magazine "Maximka", 1998. 
- "Genuis or perverts?!" Article. Art magazine "Maximka", 1998. 
- "Beauty and real true". Article. Art magazine "Komod", National center for contemporary art - Ekaterinburg's branch. 2001. 
- "Parallel lives". Article. Art magazine "Komod", National center for contemporary art - Ekaterinburg's branch. 2001. 
- 'Photography as the body of conceptual project', Art science conference. 2003. 

  Reactions on TV and in newspapers:
- many. 

Personification of house of the Main exhibition hall "Manege". St-Petersburg. 1996.


Personification of  Festival's Center house and festival's cars of ArtGENDA2002 Hamburg


Personification of NIFCA (The Nordic institute for contemporary Art), Helsinki. Finland


Personification of Museum Center Vapriikki, Tampere, Finland


Igor Baskin
St-Petersburg. Russia.

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